Feeling the Emotion with EFT

By Michelle Leuschen

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Many times the most effective way to do EFT is to use tapping to feel, experience and explore the emotion.  The main focus is the feel and accept, rather than to get rid of the emotion.  Eliminating the emotion can be the result, without being the goal.

For Example: Josh was tapping on anger in order to GET RID OF his anger.  This produced limited results.  Things began to change when I had Josh experience his anger in its entirety while tapping.  I even suggested that we agree NOT to get rid of the anger, to learn to live peacefully with the anger instead.  Accept the anger.  Perhaps even see the anger as an ally.  Josh was extremely hesitant to feel his anger, he was used to suppressing, denying and fighting it.  Like many people, Josh has the irrational belief that if he openly felt his anger, it would destroy or overwhelm him.  To address these feelings, we used the following set up statements: “Even though I have this anger, I am not the anger, and I can still love myself.  Even though I feel this anger, it is not bigger than me.  It is not more powerful than me and I can trust myself to feel it.  Even though I am a person who experiences anger, I can still fully love and accept myself.”

For those who continue to have a difficult time feeling their emotions, ask yourself, “Can I allow myself to feel it 2 %?”  Tap on 2% of the emotion and then bring in another 2%.  Working on bite-sized chunks can help you to feel safer and makes the emotion more manageable.

Another tip is to experience the emotion as an observer.  Try to observe the emotion versus believing you are the emotion.  For instance: If there is sadness in you, first you need to acknowledge that it is there and then to view the sadness accurately.  There is a difference between saying ”I am sad” and “There is sadness in me.”.  Sad is not who you are.  You are simply experiencing the emotion or feeling, or most accurately, the vibration, of sadness.  Recognize that “unhappiness”, “anger”, “grief” or any other emotion is simply an energy body- not you.   Understanding this concept can help you to separate from, and observe, the emotion.  Bringing such awareness to an emotion will help it to dissolve.  Bringing such awareness to an emotion while tapping will help it dissolve even faster and with farther reaching positive effects!

Happy Tapping to All,
Michelle Leuschen


Author's Bio:

Michelle Leuschen, MS has been teaching EFT for over 7 years.  She maintains her private practice in Encinitas, CA.



1 Comment


Posted October 08, 2010 06:02 PM

Outstanding! I love having a new way to work with emotions. This will be useful to so many people. Thank you. Thank you.


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

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