Eliminate Anxiety In Minutes and Ace That Exam!

By Gloria Arenson, MFT, DCEP

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Most of us feel anxious when confronting exams. It doesn't matter whether it is a driving test, a professional license exam or a midterm or final in school. Some of us handle it well, while others become so frazzled that it is hard to think or remember what we worked so hard to study.

I recall how difficult it was to get ready for my Latin final in High School. Grammar was especially hard to remember. I will never forget a moment that occurred just before that exam that had a positive effect on my life. I was worried because I kept forgetting a certain verb form and was about to write it on my hand so I could call it up if needed, when this thought suddenly popped into my head. "The answer is in my brain. I don’t have to write it down because it is stored there and I can tap into it whenever I want."

That awareness took place long before we all had computers and understood the concept that we can study information and search through the computer files to call it up. Today, a new and amazing acupressure technique called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) can help us gain access to our brain's files and breeze through tests by tapping on just a few energy points. 

Stimulating these points raises the serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a brain chemical that relaxes and soothes. As the serotonin rises, our fears diminish. As fear dwindles, the body relaxes and we can get in touch with the information that is needed effortlessly.

If you have a history of great fear and anxiety before tests, the first step is to eliminate any resistance to change. You may be amazed to hear that anyone might want to hang on to an unpleasant condition, but it may occur at the level of the unconscious. EFT will dissolve any blocking beliefs holding you back. Here are some samples: I’ll never get over this anxiety around test taking; I don’t deserve to get over this anxiety around test taking; I’m not smart enough to get over this anxiety around test taking; I am unconsciously resisting getting over this anxiety around test taking, or Something is wrong if I am not nervous. 

Tap on the outside edge of your hand and say 3 times, "Even though I’ll never get over this problem, I am doing the best I can." Then, tap each remaining point for 3 seconds while thinking about your test taking anxiety. Continue until the negative belief doesn't feel true anymore. Do this for each appropriate blocking belief. 

Next, explore other negative beliefs you may have about the specific test you are facing. Use EFT to eliminate each of these that upset you. Keep tapping until they no longer feel true. Common sabotaging thoughts might be: I am stupid; I can’t get a good grade; I am afraid I will fail; I can’t remember; I never do well on test; No matter how hard I study, I can’t think during the exam; I should do better; or I get flustered when I read the questions.

If you begin to feel anxious or afraid during the test, use EFT while you tell yourself, "Even though I am feeling anxious right now and fearful that I will do badly, all the information is waiting inside my brain, and I can access it now."  Then gently touch each point for 3 seconds while telling yourself to relax and release. When you apply EFT before any test you will feel more confident, and the results will convince you of the power of this quick and easy technique to bring rapid and positive results.


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Author's Bio:

Gloria Arenson, MFT, DCEP, specializes in using EFT to help people overcome compulsive behaviors, especially overeating, bulimia, spending, and procrastination. She has successfully treated hundreds of people for stress, anxiety, trauma, and fears. Gloria is the author of Desserts Is Stressed Spelled Backwards, How to Stop Playing the Weighting Game, Born To Spend, Freedom At Your Fingertips, EFT For Procrastination, and the award winning Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing. Visit her website at www.GloriaArenson.com or contact her at glotao@cox.net.


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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