The Basic Acceptance Phrase in EFT

By Edith Howell, EFT CERT-1, EFT-ADV

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If you are familiar with EFT, you already know that it is beneficial to state the problem out loud; this keeps you focused and on task.

Today, I want to address the second part of the acceptance phrase: "I deeply and completely love and accept myself" because it is well known that some of us have a difficult time saying: "I love myself." This issue might come from beliefs that we learned when we were small children. Our parents did not know how to express love, or we misunderstood their lack of attention for lack of love.  We ended up believing that they did not love us, and our perception now is that there is something wrong with us and we are not lovable.  Therefore, how can we love ourselves?

I often recommend my clients to do "Mirror Work."  I ask them to do their EFT rounds in front of the mirror and carefully observe their expressions, what are their eyes telling them? Do their faces express a certain emotion?  At what energy point, did they let go a sigh? What were they saying when they yawned?

I let them know that these are manifestations of energy moving and clearing blocks in their systems, which allows room for healthier beliefs, physical healing and peace.

I want to share this EFT exercise with you, I am suggesting here that you tap in front of the mirror and observe your feelings and your reactions.

Before you start, I want you to say the phrase aloud: "I deeply and completely love and accept myself.  Do you have any anxiety or emotional pain, when you say it? 

Rate the intensity of your anxiety or emotional pain on a scale of 0-10.

10- meaning your highest intensity (I feel terrible)

0 meaning - no intensity at all (I feel happy)

While rubbing the sore spot on your chest or tapping the karate chop point of either hand (7-10 times) repeat the following phrases aloud:

EFT Set Up Phrases

Even though I might be feeling that I am not worthy of love and that I cannot love myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway

Even though somehow I was programmed to not love myself, "they" could not love and accept me as the precious child that I was, I recognize today that it is their loss, I choose to remember that I came to this world full of love and I can love myself

Even though I am believing that I am not lovable, I am defective somehow, I know that it is a lie, I am lovable just because I exist

Even though my actions show that I am not accepting of myself, I choose to take care of myself, so my behavior proves that I accept and value myself

Tap on the following energy points while repeating the phrases aloud:

Crown of head: I am not worthy of love          

Beginning of eyebrow: I cannot love myself

Side of eye: "They" could not love me as I was

Under eye: They taugh me not to love myself

Under nose: They could not love the precious child that I was

Chin: They suggested that I was defective

Collarbone: I show with my actions that I don't accept myself

Under arm: My behavior says that I don't value myself

Crown of head: I don't feel safe loving and accepting  myself just the way I am        

Take a slow healing breath in and out and release your old and false programming!

How do you feel?

Rate your intensity level on a scale of 0-10, do several rounds until your emotional intensity is down to zero.                   

Keep tapping:

Crown of head: Deep within me, there is an abundance of love

Beginning of eyebrow: I am generous with my love as I am learning to love and accept myself and others

Side of eye: It was their choice to love me and accept me, they are responsible for what they did or didn't do

Under eye: I am leaving the pain from my past behind me

Under nose: I am ready to love myself and to radiate love!

Chin: I realize that the more love I project, the more love I attract

Collarbone: I am feeling safe in the world!

Under arm: I am being true to myself as I love and accept myself

Crown of head: Because love is my true nature!

Take a deep breath in and out and relax your mind and body!

Gratitude Process

Make your hand into a fist and tap on the middle of your chest (your heart center) while you repeat aloud:

I am thankful for my wonderful mind and body

I am grateful because I deeply and completely love and accept myself

I am grateful because I am worthy of radiating and receiving love

I choose to feel grateful because it helps me to feel good

I am allowing myself to infuse my mind and body with the healing energy of love and acceptance

I am grateful because I am finally safe and free to love and accept myself

You can add your own reasons why you feel grateful...

I am grateful because...

I am thankful because...

I really appreciate that...

It is my hope that this EFT exercise will lead you in the direction of loving and accepting yourself just the way you are right now. Enjoy and observe the process.

On a personal note: I am grateful that Stefan Gonick generously provides this EFT and Energy Psychology Platform, so people who are interested in EFT and other techniques can come and learn here.

This is also a wonderful place for EFT Coaches to share their thoughts on EFT. Thank you!


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Author's Bio:

My name is Edith Howell. It has been an honor for me, to have been Certified as en EFT Practitioner by Gary Craig, The Creator of EFT.

By the time I found EFT, I had already suffered Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfuction Syndrome/ M.E. for almost 13 years. This was a devastating illness, since it completely crushed my life. I can honestly say that EFT is the only tool that has been efective for me in clearing issues, trauma and patterns related to CFIDS/CFS/M.E. I can now help other people to clear their childhood trauma, their fears and help them reduce their symptoms and manage their anxiety, so they can claim their life back and live it to their highest potential, feeling confident, peaceful and happy.

Go to http://www.eftmindandbody.com   so you can get your own free newsletter wiith  EFT tips and EFT exercises that will help you in your own journey of healing and sucess! love, Edith Howell, EFT Cert-1




Eleanor Celentani
Posted July 30, 2011 06:00 PM

Outstanding! thank you!


Edith Howell
Posted August 07, 2011 09:06 AM

Dear Eleanor:

I am so glad you liked it. Thank you! Edith


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Disclaimer: All information on this website is for educational purposes only, and the content is not intended to suggest that it is a substitute for proper medical care or good common sense.

While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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Your emotional health, your success in the world, and your level of joy can all be dramatically enhanced by shifting the energies that regulate them. That is the promise of the fascinating new field of Energy Psychology.

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