Surrogate Tapping

Thoughts on a vital topic

By Helen P Bressler

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Getting oneself out of the way has long been known as favorable in order to allow universal energy to flow through, thus facilitating what we term as ‘healing’ or ‘release’ to take place.  Yet as soon as I try to get out the way my mind becomes actively focused and all my covert judgments to what that should look like come up.  Some of these judgments break the surface of my awareness and some likely remain bubbling just underneath, resulting in a false impression of clarity.

It has been my experience that if I become willing to get out of the way rather than trying to do this myself I am literally ‘moved out of the way’ as something else, a higher aspect, begins to move through me and my mind becomes automatically quiet in the process.  It is the speed at which the quieting occurs that can be quite remarkable and the ensuing speed at which EFT appears to produce results.  This appears especially valid when the willingness to surrender to that higher aspect is coupled with the power of intent.

Although I am well aware that I can only speak from the place of my own experience, so swift have the results when using EFT become by my willingness and intent that I thought this worthy of sharing.  It has become apparent that should I intend without getting out of the way first, my intent may be tinged with an agenda, no matter how ‘helpful’ I perceive myself as being, and the result may not be as speedy, nor as effective.

An explicit example concerns a hysterical young woman during clinical placement as a student nurse.  The lady in question, who I shall call Ann, had developed encephalomyelitis, an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, and was in an extremely distressed state.  Ann was having an emotional tirade, expressing her absolute fear over the symptoms she was presenting, and I was rather surprised that the medics around me appeared unaware of her fear as being the cause of the hysteria.  In retrospect I can understand that my intuition had immediately picked up on the fear.

As medics tried to reason with Ann and talk her out of her hysteria, a process which, it seemed only added to her distress, I silently stood by with a willingness to get out of the way and the intent of being most helpful, whatever that may actually be for Ann.  This took seconds and was met instantaneously with an energy I could feel radiating through me which was of love and knowing.

As I looked at Ann the words in my mind immediately formulated: This fear of becoming a vegetable.  This was certainly not my own choice of expression, and with those words I pictured myself tapping on her in a mechanical EFT sequence with no setup nor 9 gamut.  Halfway through the second round of the shortened EFT sequence she began to stop shouting and became generally subdued.

No medications had been given and the medics were quite taken aback by her sudden calm.  A peacefulness and lightness came over her face.  As is the nature of the ward I was called away to another patient so was unable to spend further time with Ann.

Although without direct communication with Ann, which I have not had, I cannot confirm the silent surrogate EFT as the cause of her quieting, yet due to the nature of her change in emotional state and a heartfelt knowing, I have every reason to believe it certainly helped.

Helen P Bressler


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Author's Bio:

Helen holds a bachelor’s degree with suma cum laude honors from Oxford Brookes University and is certified in EFT, Z Point and Professional Coaching. Helen is also a registered nurse and ordained minister. She has over two decades of experience in the area of self-development; and works with individuals, groups and couples with great success.

Her wealth of experience and knowledge make her invaluable in the area of self-development. She is widely renowned as a self development expert and transformational coach and has helped hundreds transform their lives.

Helen uses EFT and Z Point to diminish trauma, blocks and isempowering beliefs which get in the way of discovering  or achieving what we really want. Furthermore, she optimizes growth and facilitates direction. She helps people improve relationships and health, clear emotional baggage, reduce stress and unleash potential. She creates tailor-made sessions that perfectly suit the needs of her clients.

Clients have reported feeling happier, healthier, more peaceful and more aware of their life purpose as a result of working with Helen.

Helen co-authored '101 Ways to Enhance Your Career' and has had countless articles published both electronically and in paper form. As part of her own continuing development she is currently working towards her license in marriage and family therapy.

Helen is available for individual, group, family and couples sessions. Visit her website for further information and details of how to contact Helen: www.optimumevolution.com


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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