Fear of an MS relapse is resolved with 10 minutes of EFT

By Helen P Bressler

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Mark (not his real name) had been diagnosed with MS over 30 years ago. Nonetheless, his level of health and independence were remarkably good and he had returned to school to complete a master’s degree in education. He had decided to visit a school advisor concerning the possibility of undiagnosed dyslexia. The advisor refused to consider this possibility, insisting Mark’s difficulties were MS related. Mark had been curtly dismissed.

When Mark came to me he was feeling fearful that he would slip into a major MS relapse. He was also feeling disconnected from himself. I began by asking Mark if he was feeling the advisor’s comments in any part of his body. Mark replied that he was feeling as if he’d been punched in his solar plexus. The solar plexus represents a sense of self, and it was therefore no surprise that Mark was feeling disconnected. Mark’s response to the advisor’s comments and dismissal had created a short circuit, or ‘zzzzztttttttt’ as Gary would say, to Mark’s energy system.

Mark had also begun experiencing tingling and numbness down the right hand side of his whole body, from top to toe. Stating he had not experienced such ‘MS type symptoms’ in many years, this physical experience added to his fear about an impending serious MS relapse. We could have tapped on Mark’s fear and disconnection; yet recognizing that the cause of Mark’s disruption had occurred in the meeting itself, I asked Mark to visualize the meeting, as if it were a movie (the Movie Technique) and to talk me through it. This would likely expose specific emotions experienced during the meeting. Mark talked his way through the scenes with the advisor. When he paused I asked him to describe what he was feeling (he’d reached the point where the advisor had told Mark he couldn’t possibly have dyslexia).

What came up was anger toward the advisor. We tapped on the anger until his level of intensity had reduced from 10 to 2 on a scale of 0 to 10. Then it suddenly rose again to 8. Mark stated that he had not been taken seriously. He recognized, with tears streaming down his face, that this linked to earlier experiences in his life. This then lead to the core issue of abandonment which Mark had experienced by his family at the onset of his MS. Mark also expressed a deep rage at his family for not taking his needs into consideration.

We tapped on these issues for several minutes until the level of intensity of each one had been reduced to 0. We also tapped on forgiveness regarding Mark’s family, the advisor and Mark himself. Gleefully, Mark announced that the tingling and numbness had not only reduced but had disappeared completely. He also stated that

he no longer felt any discomfort in his solar plexus and that he was feeling back in touch with himself. His fear had completely vanished.

Mark called me two weeks after our session, sounding confident and happy. He stated that he had not experienced any further ‘MS type’ symptoms. Mark had gone back to the student advisor department where he had tests and was diagnosed with a mild form of dyslexia (which we addressed in a subsequent session).

This example reiterates the necessity to address the feelings experienced at the time of the disruption. The Movie Technique has proven helpful for uncovering specific feelings. Mark’s story also acknowledges that deeper, core issues can often be exposed. Certain scenarios, such as Mark’s meeting with the advisor may give an opportunity to release visceral core issues. Mark’s initial anger at the advisor had allowed deeply rooted abandonment and rage to be addressed.

It has been my experience that physical manifestation will often occur, such as Mark’s MS-type tingling, when a core issue is ready to be addressed. Once the issue is addressed, very often the physical symptoms subside and disappear. Perhaps then, we can find gratitude for both the difficult situations and physical manifestations that arise and ultimately lead to release and peace.

Helen P Bressler


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Author's Bio:

Helen holds a bachelor’s degree with suma cum laude honors from Oxford Brookes University and is certified in EFT, Z Point and Professional Coaching. Helen is also a registered nurse and ordained minister. She has over two decades of experience in the area of self-development; and works with individuals, groups and couples with great success.

Her wealth of experience and knowledge make her invaluable in the area of self-development. She is widely renowned as a self development expert and transformational coach and has helped hundreds transform their lives.

Helen uses EFT and Z Point to diminish trauma, blocks and isempowering beliefs which get in the way of discovering  or achieving what we really want. Furthermore, she optimizes growth and facilitates direction. She helps people improve relationships and health, clear emotional baggage, reduce stress and unleash potential. She creates tailor-made sessions that perfectly suit the needs of her clients.

Clients have reported feeling happier, healthier, more peaceful and more aware of their life purpose as a result of working with Helen.

Helen co-authored '101 Ways to Enhance Your Career' and has had countless articles published both electronically and in paper form. As part of her own continuing development she is currently working towards her license in marriage and family therapy.

Helen is available for individual, group, family and couples sessions. Visit her website for further information and details of how to contact Helen: www.optimumevolution.com


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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