Uncovering the Cause of Negative Emotions

By Seth Lepore

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Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) continually uses the following Discovery Statement repetitively as a foundation to return to:

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

When asked about a particular cause of any emotion that is not well received such as anxiety, depression or fear, people will retort with all sorts of answers.  “It’s genetic.”  “It’s chemical.”  “My family has a history of depression.” “Some people are more sensitive than others.”  “I’ve always been this stressed out.”  “I was in an horrible accident, therefore I’m scared of cars.”

We are programmed to make sense of things.  However, emotions can be quite complex and not easily controlled by reason or logic.  EFT asks that you put this way of thinking aside with the Discovery Statement, “The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

A Radical Idea

To simply state that all negative emotions stem from a disruption in the body’s energy system is quite radical.  I, myself, had been working on some particular traumatic events in both therapy and through energy healing for years and had peeled back many layers of difficulty when EFT was brought to my attention. 

Through the continual practice of EFT, the sources of the pain that were extremely hard to even ponder were suddenly not as charged.  The intensity of the emotion had gone down significantly, if not altogether.  This is not to say that every aspect of the particular trauma was dealt with but the major stumbling block had been significantly cut down. 

Re-Balancing the Energy System

This relief was due to the re-balancing of the energy system through identifying the core issue, getting specific about the effect of that issue on an emotional level, and then tapping on the points that EFT requires.  So, in essence, the trauma I experienced caused a disruption in the energy system.  That disruption never had a chance to sequence through my body so that I could return to the state prior to the trauma. The trauma was stuck, continually playing itself out when something similar triggered the response. 

This is can be why the most inane situation can suddenly bring a flood of emotions that doesn’t necessarily correlate to the event. Our body and emotions know the landscape of what triggers us all too well, while our logical mind can’t comprehend the feeling in the same manner. This can lead to repetitive suffering even if that suffering seems normalized and accepted as unchangeable.

The Compounding of Negative Stressors

Imagine all the little and major stressors one can experience in the course of a given day.  From the annoyance of being stuck in traffic, to almost getting side swiped, to a report that is a day late through a miscommunication, to getting a flat tire and being late to pick up your kids.  Each of these stressors can compound and /or trigger previous stressors that cause a disruption in the body’s energy system.

The whole point of EFT, on the most fundamental level, is to simply and specifically eradicate that which does not serve you.  Anything that causes ill states whether it is emotional, physical, and/or psychological.  It may be but one tool in the field of Energy Psychology or personal development but its direct impact can be nothing short of profound. 

A Simple Approach to Complex Issues

It is hard for us to think that healing can be easy or efficient, especially if years of therapy or other methods instill the belief that you must work on an issue for an elongated period of time in order to see any results.  I’m not saying that EFT can solve everything in a short span of a time, or that talk therapy doesn’t have break through results.  What I am saying is that EFT can create a new foundation of positive change upon which all that has been difficult or harmful in your life can be transformed towards ease, clarity and resolved awakenings.

Another saying in EFT is “Try it on Everything”. Although there isn’t a promise that it will work it doesn’t hurt to give it a shot.


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Author's Bio:

My name is Seth Lepore and I am an Intuitive Counselor, EFT Cert-I and Reiki Practitioner at the Master Level (III). I specialize in Depression, Fears & Phobias, Spiritual Crisis, Trauma, Abuse, PTSD, Stress and Anxiety, Difficult Emotions and Creative Blocks.

My intention is to provide a safe, trusting environment for clients to feel and heal at their own pace. My passion is showing clients how to use Energy Psychology to lessen the charge of difficult emotions and habitual thought patterns as well as deepen their unique spiritual path. I’m known for my down to earth approach and sense of humor in the face of obstacles.

I teach classes in developing intuition, setting boundaries, spatial awareness and regaining trust of one’s own process and experiences. I work with clients in person throughout New England as well as worldwide via phone sessions and Skype. Find out more at practicalhealings.com


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Disclaimer: All information on this website is for educational purposes only, and the content is not intended to suggest that it is a substitute for proper medical care or good common sense.

While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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Your emotional health, your success in the world, and your level of joy can all be dramatically enhanced by shifting the energies that regulate them. That is the promise of the fascinating new field of Energy Psychology.

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