Remote EFT for Driving Phobia

By Holly Holmes-Meredith, D. Min., MFT, CCHT

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I have found that surrogate or remote tapping is often just as effective as the hands-on, in person approach to EFT.

Surrogate tapping may be used when the client (for whatever reason) cannot be touched, or when the client is unable to tap for herself. The EFT facilitator can also tap on himself while the client taps on herself as a way to amplify the effectiveness of EFT.

Remote tapping can be done in two ways. The tapper can imagine himself as the person needing the work and can physically tap, or mentally imagine tapping, on himself. Alternatively, the tapper can imagine tapping on the client.

On the last night of our most recent EFT training we covered the topic of surrogate tapping and had a wonderful opportunity to do an experiment. The week prior to our last class, one of our classmates, Rohini Chopra, had arranged to be our "remote client" for the following week. She would miss our last meeting because she had to return to her home in India.

We agreed that at our last class meeting we would surrogately tap on Rohini for an issue of her choice .

We received the following email and request from Rohini for tapping on a newly established driving phobia.

Rohini's email stated: "Just before I left India to come to California I had a small bang up in my car. I was crossing the road at night and a scooterist banged into me on the side of my car. When I got back to India and got into my car and sat behind the wheel, the whole incident: that noise, that shock of looking out the window and seeing a man fallen there, came back to me. I felt nervousness and lack of self-confidence. Tap this out for me please. When your class meets on Wednesday night I shall lie back and receive on Thursday morning India time. The SUDS level [0-10 intensity] is a 10.

We listed the aspects:

  • Crossing the road at night.
  • The bang-up in the car.
  • Sitting behind the wheel.
  • That noise.
  • That shock of seeing a man lying there.
  • Nervousness.
  • Lack of self-confidence.

The eight of us in the class divided up these 7 aspects (two of us tapped on nervousness).

We all tapped on our separate aspects simultaneously. We tapped three or four complete rounds and, after each round, we intuitively checked the SUDS level. We ended on intuitive SUDS levels from 0 to 3.

The next morning we received an email from Rohini in India. She report that she got behind the wheel, drove without discomfort and had a SUDS level at a 0. Our experiment was a success!

Try a remote or surrogate EFT experiment for yourself and share your results with me. I am interested in the consistency of the success of surrogate tapping.


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Author's Bio:

Holly is the Clinical Director at HCH Institute in Lafayette, CA where she conducts her private practice and teaches CA licensed Certification programs in EFT. Reiki and Hypnotherapy. Holly has a series of EFT/Hypnotherapy CDs that teach EFT and provide relief for pain, anxiety, insomnia and smoking. She also provides on line EFT video conferencing sessions for clients.


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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