EFT for anxiety and panic attacks - a case

By Marwa A., EFT Level II and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

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When this client came to me, she was suffering from depression and anxiety. She would get panic attacks whenever she is in an important situation like an exam or an interview. This has negatively impacted her life a lot, resulting in feelings of helplessness and occassional suicidal thoughts. She had just relocated to another country in hope that the change would help her, but she was unable to apply for jobs because the thought of submitting her resume to be judged caused her to panic. So did the thought of going for an interview or starting a new job. 

In her next session, I asked her to imagine a situation where she would typically get a panic attack, and asked her to stop before the situation and tell me what is going through her head in the moments leading to the situation. She said she felt anxious, tried to suppress it and then there was a rush of negative thoughts that spiralled out of control. She judged herself for having anxiety, she felt helpless, she anticipated ruining the situation because of her anxiety, and finally she felt anger and hatred towards people in her life that she perceives to have caused her to be like that. No wonder this rush of thoughts caused her mind to freeze and go into fight or flight, I thought.  I explained why all those negative emotions are worsening her situation and contributing to her panic attacks, and that she is adding layers of complexity to of the original anxiety problem by harboring those thoughts and feelings. Initially she did not want to reduce them, but after the explanation she agreed. I had her tap on each of those feelings separately, until their intensities were reasonbly down. I knew we were not going to get to zero in this session.

Next, I had her tap with statements about accepting her anxiety. Of course to get her to do that, I explained that acceptance does not mean she will give in and have anxiety for the rest of ther life, it merely means that she will stop being in resistance which is draining her energy so she can think clearly and have energy to help herself through her problem. She agreed, and we tapped. "Even though I have anxiety, I would like to be more accepting of myself" "I have anxiety, and that's okay" "It's okay to have anxiety" "Everyone has their issues" "I accept that I have this anxiety" "I release all my judgements and negative emotions towards my anxiety".

We did the same process a couple other times in further sessions, and we continued working on her self-judgement and the other issues behind her anxiety, but I am happy to report that she has not had another panic attack since then. She applied for some jobs, had some calls with recruiters, and in her next interview she held herself together even though she was being asked questions she didn't know the answer to. 

Every client is different, and I am sure people have different underlying reasons for the same symptom, but I found the technique of imagining a problematic situation, or whatever it is the client is struggling with, and asking what is going through their minds as they approach the situation very helpful in getting insights on the real root of their problems. 

I wish you and your clients peace and healing.


Marwa A.
EFT Level II and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
website: http://livebetterfeelbetter.webs.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/FeelBetterWithEFT/



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