The Guardian

EFT and the 8 Money Archetypes

By Alina Frank, EFTU and Matrix Trainer, EFT CERT-I

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Most people make decisions and exhibit behaviors regarding finances that are influenced if not run on completely subconscious operating systems. These fall into predictable archetypes. Knowing which archetype(s) you tend to fall into most of the time will assist you in creating true security and abundance. Here is the most common type I see in my practice with clients and tapping statements to center that type. You can locate all 8 archetypes based on the work of Brent Kessel here on EFT Articles.com

The Guardian

Are you in a constant state of worry over your finances? Do you think that if you let go of this worry everything will fall apart around you? Are you hyper vigilant on about your spending habits? Do you have strict rules that will ward off impending doom such as I can't have any debt, or I can only live off my retirement interest and never touch the principal. At one extreme the Guardian is anxiety-ridden but on the other he/she can be prudent, alert, and careful. Often this pattern began in reaction to frivolous/dysfunctional parental role modeling. If your parents were so fiscally irresponsible that you were left feeling insecure you could carry the Guardian around to protect you. We would all benefit from having a little bit of the Guardian but we must be willing to take calculated risks from time to time in order to make more money even if it's just asking for a raise or firing our financial advisor. The key to balancing this archetype is to feel emotionally balanced and centered before making decisions and EFT will do that quickly and easily.

KC: Even though I feel so stuck in analyzing my money issues that I feel paralyzed, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I feel completely terrified that I don't have enough, or that I will lose it, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.Even though I am worried that if I don't worry and stress everything will fall apart, I deeply and completely love and accept myself in spite of all this worry.

Head: This fear and worry
Third Eye: This impending doom I feel
Eyebrow: I feel an paralysis of analysis
Side Eye: What if I make the wrong decision
Under Eye: I can't let go of the reins or else
Under Nose: I would feel too scared to let go of control
Chin: I'm afraid I won't have enough money to pay my bills
Collarbone: But the fact is that I always do have enough
Underarm: I choose to feel more safe about my situation
Top of Head: I choose to embrace those things that bring me pleasure and enjoyment
3rd Eye: The more I enjoy my life the better I will feel about my money status
Eyebrow: I choose to feel lighter
Side of Eye: I have never had serious money problems. I have never been homeless, or really poor.
Under Nose: I can make choices about my money now that I feel more peaceful
Chin Point: I choose to feel more safe and secure
Collarbone: I can feel a sense of calm regarding my money
Underarm: I choose to focus my attention and focus of being of service to others that might not have my skills.
Top of Head: Making choices from a place of peace will simplify my life and will allow me to feel more peaceful and grateful for what I already have.


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Author's Bio:

Alina Frank is an EFT Universe and Matrix Reimprinting EFT trainer. She has a private practice on Whidbey Island and Seattle. She coaches EFT practitioners at www.jumpstartyoureftpractice.com/eft.html 


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