Stop Smoking Success For A Seemingly Resistant Case

Marcelle Breaks Free With EFT

By Suzanne Zacharia

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"Marcelle" (not her real name) quietly handed me her progress sheet today with nothing on it. She said the reason it was unfilled was because she had not smoked! Yes! She has now been smoke-free for a week! I am absolutely delighted, and she is very proud of herself.

When I first met Marcelle, she did not want to stop smoking. But since seeing how easily her relatives stopped, she asked to see me. This is what is so poignant about this case. Her relatives stopped in 2-3 sessions, but she needed longer. Had Marcelle come for treatment without knowing how easy it was for them, she would have probably given up giving up, like many others do, if they find out it is going to take longer. They do not understand that it is a personal thing and start blaming the process, the practitioner, anything that the hooked mind will direct the anger and frustration at. Anything, that is, except the real causes. But Marcelle trusted the process that she had seen work for others. She realised it was a personal thing, and everyone goes at their own pace. And she is a non-smoker now.

There was big theme running in Marcelle's sessions. This was a childhood full of abuse from her mother. Now, before you think of psychology, banish that thought from your mind. Think energy healing. The problem with most talk therapy is that you talk about the problem, bring it to the surface, making the wound raw again, and not be able to do anything with it except get insights and try to get used to it. With energy healing, we simply release the energy disruption, or energy imprint, left by the traumatic events. This does for some people bring up traumatic memories of counselling or psychotherapy. If you suspect this may happen with you, and you are going for EFT energy healing treatment, then simply let your practitioner know that you have this problem. Then, they can work on releasing the trauma of going through psychotherapy out of your system first. Anyway, luckily, Marcelle had not been through this kind of trauma, and so we were able to go to this energy disruption and chip away at it session by session. After the 14th session, enough of it was gone, and Marcelle became a calm non-smoker.

Two important things happened in the 13th and 14th sessions. One was that we worked on some of the things her husband did which reminded her too much of her mother. And so we released that connection and the attached pain. Another is that I suspected the smoking was stubbornly refusing to go because Marcelle was undergoing a tough time with her child who was mixing with the wrong crowd, and she could not cope with the stress on her own. I wondered if this was a way for Marcelle's subconscious to bring her back to see me for healing. And so I tapped on her as I said that she does not have to smoke to see me, and I would be more than happy to see her to support her through this difficult time. I really do not know for sure about this factor, but I treated it anyway, in case it may be a secondary gain. And today, Marcelle came to see me for just the stress-release, and it was great to see her face beaming with pride as she announced her success!

I will be continuing to see Marcelle for as long as she wants to. It certainly is cheaper and healthier than cigarettes! I am also helping her to re-gain her health after all those years of smoking damage. Well done, Marcelle. You hung on in there and refused to give up. And you are a big success. Thank you so much for your story.


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Author's Bio:

© Suzanne Zacharia 2011. My name is Suzanne Zacharia and I am committed to spreading the word about health options. I believe that the more and better options one has, the more choice there is.

A virus caught along with 5 other students at university at the end of 1986, plus medical negligence, meant that I got smokers lung at a relatively young age. In desperation for help with my symptoms and quality of life, I turned to complementary therapy, and I have outlived one doctor's prognosis by many years now.

I am now a complementary therapist, author of the Stop Smoking E-book at http://www.stop-smoking-ebooks.com and trainer specializing in energy healing. Want to use this article? You can, as long as you credit me with it and invite your readers to get my FREE book "EFT How-To For You" at http://www.EFT-Scripts.com


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

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