EFT Energy Exercise For The Cold Weather

Get your vital energy moving again

By Helen Ryle

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In this cold and wintry weather we are experiencing in Ireland and the UK, it’s easy to give in to feeling cold and sluggish and it can be hard to motivate ourselves – we’re just not very used to this weather.

Here is an exercise using EFT which will help to return your energy to its optimum state so that you can feel more energised, warmer and more inclined to get on with things in a happier frame of mind.

Even if it's not cold where you are, you can use this exercise to deal with psychological reversal which may be stopping EFT working for you. Or just use it as a way to start the day feeling more positive and energised.

If you are unfamiliar with the EFT points, download and print the free quickstart sheet on EFT Ireland showing the tapping points and how to do basic EFT.

First take a SUDs scale reading 1-10 on how the energy in your body feels right now.
0 = really cold, sluggish, and 10 = free flowing, warm and vibrant

Setup Phrases
Even though my energy is sluggish, blocked or reversed, I deeply and completely accept myself and choose to allow my energy to soften and flow.

Even though my energy is disrupted, stagnant or polarised, I deeply and completely accept myself and choose to allow my energy to return to full and vibrant flow.

Even though my energy is chilly, moving slowly or not at all, I deeply and completely accept myself and choose to allow my life energy to flow freely, warmly and joyfully.

Round 1 - With your dominant hand on same side of body
Inside Eye – sluggish energy
Outside Eye – blocked energy
Under Eye – reversed energy
Under Nose – disrupted energy
Under Mouth – stagnant energy
Collar Bone – polarised energy
Under Arm – chilly energy
Ttop of Head – slow moving or not moving energy
Take a deep breath and let it out slowly

Round 2 - With your other hand on opposite side of body
IE – allowing my energy to soften
OE – allowing my energy to flow
UE –  allowing return to full energy flow
UN - allowing return to the vibrant flow of my energy
UM – allowing my energy to flow freely
CB – allowing my energy to flow warmly
UA – allowing my energy to flow joyfully
TH -  choosing to enjoy the healthy flow of my energy
Take a deep breath and let it out slowly

Round 3 - Alternate round – tapping with both hands on both sides
IE – sluggish and blocked
OE – softening and flowing
UE – disrupted and reversed
UN – full and vibrant flow
UM – stagnant and polarised
CB – flowing freely and warmly
UA – chilly and hardly moving
TH – flowing healthily and joyfully
Take a deep breath and let it out slowly

Now stand up and do the energy exercise cross crawl
Lift your left knee and touch it with your right hand, then lower left knee.
Lift your right knee and touch it with your left hand, then lower right knee.
Repeat 20-30 times. Lift the knee only as high as feels comfortable.

Re-rate your energy  on scale of 0-10. I bet you feel warmer and livelier now!


Author's Bio:

Helen Ryle is an Advanced Practitioner and Trainer of EFT and Meridian Energy Therapies, trained with The AMT (The Association of Meridian Therapies, UK). Helen has a clinical practice in Tralee, County Kerry in Ireland where she helps clients to help themselves to make the changes they wish to see in their lives. Helen also holds regular EFT training workshops – 1-day introductory workshops suitable for everyone and also 2-day Practitioner Level workshops for those wishing to improve their EFT skills or become a Certified Practitioner. Upcoming training dates are listed on EFT Iireland.

Helen can be contacted by email to info@eftireland.net, by phone on 00353 877734 914 or through her website at www.EFTireland.net.

Helen Ryle, EFT Advanced Practitioner and Trainer, Ireland





Posted December 19, 2010 03:36 AM

Hi Helen, that was marvelous!
As I was tapping the face points, I found myself massaging all around my face, which is a thing Donna Eden says helps counteract depression, it gets all your skin energized and does the same for your mood. Gently stretching my face and neck skin in all directions!
I liked this tapping round because of all the ways you described how energy might seem to be disrupted or slowing, and the gentle way you ended each Setup, that it might begin to flow once again.
many thanks


Helen Ryle
Posted December 20, 2010 06:43 AM

Hello Rachel,
Many thanks for your kind feedback on the tapping routine, I'm so glad you found it helpful. I've been using it myself in the cold weather we are experiencing in Ireland as it makes me feel like curling up in a ball in bed and just staying there!.
You may also like to watch Donna Eden's video of her 5 minute energy exercise routine which she recommends to be done daily, it's at www.youtube.com/watch?v=gffKhttrRw4.
Best wishes and keep tapping!


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

In addition, the articles on this site represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, nor the owner of this web site, Stefan Gonick.

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