The Colour of Tapping

The Effect of EFT on Auras

By Elsa Wiens, BA Psych, Certified EFT Practitioner

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The idea for this article came after a conversation involving auras and Reiki:  it occurred to me that EFT should affect our auras, and it also occurred to me that I had recently met someone, through a friend, who sees auras. Therefore, I contacted my friend, M, to see if he and J would like to do a little experiment. Our afternoon together proved to be more than I expected, and I relate it to you here, in chronological order:

J and M are not ‘tappers’ but are certainly open to it. J, who sees the auras, did not try to attribute any meanings as to whether what he saw was a good thing or not, but at times, he felt he needed to include his interpretation of what he saw, because he did not have appropriate words to describe these things, which are beyond the norm of everyday life. M and I tapped on ourselves, as I taught M how to do it. J did not tap: he only observed and reported on aura change.

Introduction to EFT

I showed M the tapping points, without using any phrases or working on any issue at all.

M: J observed that as M was tapping the points, as demonstration only, the molecules of his aura began to align, and grow more organized.

E: J described my aura as agitated/irritated, though not in a negative way – jarry and jagged. This was very likely because I was nervous about what would happen, if anything. In fact, J asked me if I was nervous. As soon as I began to explain the tapping points, the aura surrounding my hands turned red, then faded as I tapped.

First Presenting Problem

We did a few tapping rounds on an incident that had happened at work, two days previously, during which M went to the aid of a co-worker who was in distress:

 M: While relating the incident, a thick curved silver line appeared across his chest. While tapping, the line shrank until it was very thin, and a green spot of energy/light appeared at his chest. This spot stayed after the tapping, but shrank from the size of an apple, to the size of a thumb-pad.

 E: J noted that a white line of light appeared above my head, like a crack in a wall, with light coming through the crack. The light appeared to be communicating to me, giving me phrases to say. Most of the time my aura and the light were vibrating at the same frequency, but occasionally, they would not. J felt that those times were when I was searching for the right words and not quite getting them. It is interesting to note that J was focusing on M, and was wondering where I was getting the words and phrases, because they seemed to fit so well. It was when he glanced at me out of the corner of his eye that he saw the white line, and saw where I was getting the information. This is how it seemed to him.

Second Presenting Problem

We switched to an issue that is more chronic for M

 M: While talking about it, the curved silver line grew thicker (several inches) and darkened to almost black. Again, when we tapped, it became thin and silver. The green light at his chest grew larger as we tapped, then, again, shrank afterwards

 As we were tapping, I suddenly ran out of words to say, and stopped tapping. J reported that at the same time he saw a release of greenish yellow energy whoosh from the centre of M’s chest, out to the sides, off his shoulders. M reported that, again at that same time, he just felt as if we were finished, even though the round had not been completed in a smooth way.

Connecting Head and Heart

 As we were debriefing, I remembered a technique I had witnessed in an EFT workshop a few weeks before. The presenter had asked us to put one hand on our hearts and the other on our foreheads, in order to bring up a memory (“when was the first time you felt this way?”). I asked J and M to do this as well, to see what would happen with our auras.

 M:J said M's aura was like a storm, with yellow, orange, blue and indigo energy swirling around

J: He had lines, like cords, running straight down, connecting head and heart. J cannot usually see his own aura, but he saw this in his mind’s eye. He expressed some surprise at being able to describe it. 

Then I remembered that the workshop presenter had instructed us to put our right hands on our foreheads, and our left hands on our hearts, and M had done it the other way around. We all did it again, the ‘right’ way.

M: Now he had lines/cords straight down from his head to his heart as well. When he thought about his issue from before, the lines began to vibrate and J could hear them making a discordant sound. It is unusual for him to hear sounds associated with the energy he sees.

E: J reported that I also had lines straight up and down. When I switched hands to the "wrong" way, he saw something like a waterfall in front of the lines.


We then continued to chat about the experience for approximately ½ hour. J said that my aura was now calmer, and more consistent, as if it was sighing. And he reported that the green spot on M’s chest was again large, about the size of a fist. He has known M for many years, and has not seen this before.


 EFT definitely seems to affect our energy, and also to connect us with other energy that is around us. I had expected it to affect our auras, but I was very surprised (and moved) to discover that other things were happening as well. Regarding the light coming through the crack, that appeared to be communicating with me, I am reminded of Gary Craig’s insistence that it is “through us, not by us" that we do this work. This seems to be truly the case, and I am humbled and honoured by the experience.




Carole Harrison
Posted November 26, 2010 11:24 AM

Wow, thanks is just so incredible. This also just confirms that when phrasing and tapping with clients, we just connect to our hearts and go with the flow.


Pamela Powers
Posted March 05, 2011 11:20 AM

Dear Elsa - thank you so much for this article! It's often hard to explain how EFT works, and to have a visual such as this is very encouraging. Thanks!


Karen Lewis
Posted March 05, 2011 11:25 AM

What a fascinating article! I would love to be able to see auras but so far, I cannot. As a Reiki Master I am aware of and feel energy flowing, whether I am using Reiki or EFT for myself or on others, but for it to be seen to be happening - well that reinforces what I feel to be happening.

I have sometimes wondered just exactly where some of the phrases come from when working with others, and it was interesting to note that there was some kind of energetic activity that could act as a route.


Sara !
Posted March 05, 2011 09:19 PM

Wow! Whew! Amazing! Thanks!


Elsa Wiens
Posted March 05, 2011 10:18 PM

Thanks, everyone! It was such an amazing experience, and I refer back to it often. So validating to know that 'something' is really happening to our energy, and not just have to take it by faith. I was especially touched to learn about the energy that was communicating itself to me.



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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

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