Helping The Helpers

Shaking It Off

By Dr. Rossanna Massey, D.C., EFTCert-I

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This article will be of interest to all practitioners who want to feel fresh, clear, and focused for their next client in-between sessions.   The wide range of client drama that practitioners hear throughout the course of a day, whether we realize it or not, leaves an impression on both our conscious and subconscious minds.  This also applies to anyone else who may consciously feel “affected” by being around someone's  negatively saturating energies,  whether it's difficult family members or persnickety friends we put up with but love just the same.   Whatever the case may be, EFT is a wonderful way to deflect and stay blissful daily.

Early on in my EFT practice, while I happily helped others with their disrupted energy systems, I noticed that I couldn’t stop thinking about, and let go of, all the scenes and sounds of my client’s issues after our sessions.   I needed to make a conscious effort to shake off client energies—and anyone else's disturbed energy system for that matter, since I have a tendency to soak it up and react.  After seeking advice by some of the EFT Masters at  a workshop I attended, and being told numerous ways to center myself before a session (but to no avail), it finally dawned on me to try EFT in-between client sessions.  As Gary Craig said, “try it on everything”, and once applied it worked wonderfully well.  Which leads to my excitement in sharing this wisdom.

Because of my EFT specialty, serious diseases, I’m exposed to the energies of people who possess huge psychological reversals that ride in tandem with long standing energy disruptions from the core of their issues-- to the point of physical illness.  My clients almost always ask me how I handle the potential energy drain of so many issues, and are equally surprised to hear that I use EFT on myself after our sessions.   This also helps reinforce the power and healing potential of EFT in the minds of my clients.  In fact, because of the complexity and the seriousness of the diseases I deal with, my sessions typically last well over an hour, more than enough time to be bombarded with negativity. 
With just a quick round or two of EFT after each session, it keeps me clear and focused on my next client, which in the long run helps insure the clarity and quality of my work. 

Here are some prime examples of my basic set-up and reminder phrases I routinely use after each session.  I always test in between rounds, and if need be, repeat until I can no longer piece the individual “scenes” together to make any sense.

Since everyone releases energy differently, I urge you to rely on your own testing techniques for best results. For practitioners, it’s good  to start with the general tone of each client session—angry, grief filled, traumatic, depressive, etc. 

“I accept myself even though I’ve picked up Jane Doe’s depressed/sad/angry energy”
RP; “Releasing Jane’s depressed energies”

*Tip: Go back through your session with Jane Doe (play the movie quickly), grab whatever part of the memory of their issue you still have, and tap specifically until it’s released.

Set up phrases for family and friends will follow the same course.  Here are more examples.  Remember to do this the same day of energetic exposure for immediate results.

“Even though I’m affected by my dad/mom’s depressed energies, I deeply love and accept myself” RP; “Releasing dad/mom’s depressed energy” “I take it personally, it’s about his/her own issues, and not mine”
“Even though my sister/brother’s anger permeates the room and effects me negatively, I deeply love and accept myself”  “Releasing sister/brother’s anger energies”

“Even though my friend constantly complains and brings me down when I’m with her, I remember the things I love about her, and completely love and accept myself for feeling this way” RP; “Shaking off Rosemary’s residue”

The best thing about using EFT to shake off other people’s negative energies is that in it’s simplicity of application it is entirely possible for healthcare practitioners and layperson’s alike to enjoy healthy emotional balance on a daily basis.  Imagine how much better an ER doctor or nurse might feel at the end of the day just using EFT to emotionally shake off the experiences of each work shift?  Perhaps, the label of the “wounded healer” would become just an old and irrelevant phrase.  The possibilities are excitingly endless.

Candace Pert has suggested that we’re all hard wired for bliss to begin with, and certainly the very young, before the “writing on their walls” get too filled with clutter, seem to naively express their state of “bliss” much of the time.   Perhaps this means that our own personal state of daily bliss is not quite as elusive as we may think. Using EFT on an ongoing basis throughout the day, when and as the effects of “life and others” disturb our  energies, allows for the possibility of achieving a healthful state of inner balance, something all of us are “hardwired” for.


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Posted August 22, 2010 12:11 PM

Thank you very much for this idea of using EFT in this way. Original, and yet obvious.


Dr. Rossanna Massey
Posted August 22, 2010 04:43 PM

Thanks Rachel!

As we are all energetic bodies who quantumly interact with each other, soaking up other energies can be either consciously or subconsciously recognized. If I forget to "shake off" someone I've just worked with, or just a garden variety toxic attitude I've been exposed to, I'm affected.

I'm glad you liked the article. It pertains to everyone not only us "helpers."
I'd love to hear about more experiences with this approach.

Dr. R


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While EFT has produced remarkable clinical results, it must still be considered to be in the experimental stage and thus practitioners and the public must take complete responsibility for their use of it.

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